This is one of the quilts I entered in the HMQS in SLC this year. Much to my surprise it won a third prize in the Traditional category. It started out as a bom about four years ago, and was put away unfinished until last fall, when I heard it shouting out to be finished! There wasn't quite enough fabric, plus some of it just didn't seem quite right, so alot of it is from my stash. The gal who quilted it is fantastic and the photo below is just a sample of the detail she put into the quilt, which really made the whole quilt pop!
This is a stunner of a quilt! Not only does the quilting shine (what's your quilter's name?) but the design is balanced nicely and really pulls a viewer into your quilt. I love the houses, the different tones of sashing (love that because it keeps the eye moving around a quilt), and the checkerboard pattern around the inner border. It's all so lovely. Kudos to you for digging it out and finishing it so we all can enjoy it. And a huge congrats on your winning!
It is beautiful!
Beyond cute. Congrats!!
Oh Bev, this is a beauty!! The quilting is beautiful as well!
I love houses. And this is gorgeous!!!
Nice applique work
Adoro le case e questo quilt è magnifico i colori e lo schema con CUI è STATO Assemblato è meraviglioso ...
Un bacio
Stunning. I am in awe.
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